Managing Strategic Intelligence: Techniques and Technologies (Premier Reference) By Mark Xu

Managing Strategic Intelligence: Techniques and Technologies
 (Premier Reference) By Mark Xu
IGI Global | English | 2007-05-31 | ISBN: 1599042436 |
 350 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB

Environments needing information technology and management skills combined often find that strategic information and intelligence is not always readily available. How to scan management environments for relevant information and then make sense of the information remains a challenge. Managing Strategic Intelligence: Techniques and Technologies builds a network of excellence in effectively managing strategic information for senior management. It focuses on environment information scanning and organization-wide support for strategic intelligence. Managing Strategic Intelligence: 
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Archbishop Desmond Tutu, "Children of God Storybook Bible"

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, "Children of God Storybook Bible"
Publisher: Zondervan | 2010 | ISBN 0310719127 |
 PDF | 128 pages | 10.6 MB

THE GIFT OF GOD'S LOVE FOR CHILDREN EVERYWHERE Desmond Tutu retells more than fifty of his most beloved stories, artfully highlighting God's desire for all people to love one another and to find peace and forgiveness in their hearts. Many of the finest artists from around the world have been selected to illustrate the stories. In an attempt to create the first truly global Bible for children, the artists have been invited to portray the stories with the style and richness of their own culture. Their stunning color illustrations allow readers to experience the Bible stories as if they were there---with Adam and Eve in the garden, with Noah on the ark, with Abraham in the desert, and with Jesus on the mountaintop. 
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Bernard Cooke & Gary Macy, "Christian Symbol and Ritual: An Introduction"

Bernard Cooke & Gary Macy, "Christian Symbol and 
Ritual: An Introduction"
Oxford University Press (2005) | English | ISBN 0195154118 |
 194 pages | PDF | 1.78 MB

Existing books on Christian ritual and the sacraments tend to presuppose a good acquaintance with Roman Catholic thought and practice. Today, however, even at Catholic institutions students tend to lack even a basic knowledge of Christian ritual. Moreover, for many modern people the word "ritual" carries negative connotations of rigidity and boredom. In this accessibly-written book two noted authors offer an engaging introduction to this important topic. Their goal is first to demonstrate that celebration, ritual and symbol are already central to the readers' lives, even though most do not see their actions as symbolic or ritualistic.
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Gary North, Gary Demar "Christian Reconstruction: What It Is, What It Isn't"

Gary North, Gary Demar "Christian Reconstruction: 
What It Is, What It Isn't"
Publisher: Institute for Christian Economics 1991 | 219 Pages | 
ISBN: 0930464532 | PDF | 2.6 MB

"Christian Reconstruction." In 1980, hardly anyone had heard the phrase. By 1990, it was becoming famous-or at least infamous-in American evangelical circles. Even the secular media had begun to pick up on it, most notably Bill Moyers, who devoted an entire Public Broadcasting System television program to the topic.

Christian Reconstruction is a theological system, a movement of independent activists, and a cultural ideal. Its goal is nothing short of transformation of the world. "And they shall build the old wastes, and they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generation" (Isa. 61:4).
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American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America

American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America 
Publisher: Free Press | ISBN: 0743284437 |
 edition 2007 | PDF | 272 pages | 1.9 mb

Twenty-five years ago, when Pat Robertson and other radio and televangelists first spoke of the United States becoming a Christian nation that would build a global Christian empire, it was hard to take such hyperbolic rhetoric seriously. Today, such language no longer sounds like hyperbole but poses, instead, a very real threat to our freedom and our way of life. In American Fascists, Chris Hedges, veteran journalist and author of the National Book Award finalist War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, challenges the Christian Right's religious legitimacy and argues that at its core it is a mass movement fueled by unbridled nationalism and a hatred for the open society.
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